A Democratic state lawmaker in Ohio says she just "can't take it anymore" and is vowing to refer Trump to the International Criminal Court.
She claims President Trump has committed "crimes against humanity" for promoting a drug that hasn't been fully proven to be a safe treatment for COVID-19.
The unhinged lawmaker's remarks came after Trump spoke about the anti-malaria drug hydroxychloroquine, which has been showing very promising results to treat the coronavirus.
"I can’t take it anymore. I’ve been to The Hague. I’m making a referral for crimes against humanity tomorrow," Rep. Galonski said. "Today’s press conference was the last straw. I know the need for a prosecution referral when I see one."

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The Hague is the site of the International Criminal Court (ICC), which boasts 123 state parties. The United States is not one of them. Only member states or non-members who accept the ICC's jurisdiction can make referrals. Alternatively, the United Nations Security Council can also refer a matter for investigation.
"Crimes against humanity" is a category of offense that the ICC handles. The court provides a list of crimes that fall under this, including murder, extermination, enslavement, torture, and "other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering or serious bodily or mental injury."
Fox News asked Rep. Galonski if there is a specific crime she is accusing Trump of committing, and how she plans on pursuing charges given the United States' non-member status. She did not immediately respond.
Following her initial outburst, Rep. Galonski then went on to issue a desperate plea to lawyers across the country.
"I need every lawyer that ever did any work on the international level to contact me at jtb1666@aol.com immediately," Galonski stated. "When we worked on international custody cases we had a cadre of lawyers working on the case. Suit up!"

The fact that Rep. Galonski actually thinks she could have trump prosecuted for "crimes against humanity" proves just how delusional the woman is.
All Democrats seem to care about right now is finding some way to use the coronavirus to take down Trump.
News flash, they're not going to stop him.
Democrats are only turning more Americans against them with their desperate, shameful attempts to smear Trump during the pandemic.
Now it’s not men on the hate Trump list they now are pushing women,who want power now as the Women’s league has indocternated them with by having the paid or promised big things to come items to start a female hate Trump bunch hoping for other women to jump in with them for the new reign of Socialislamic communism. Just remember once you go communist there will be no return ever.
Look if your in a position where your life is on the line there is no reason not to take a drug that will hopefully save your life , Trump has been advised by Doctors and is only trying to save lives that are bound to be lost so why not go for it .....You are just another example of the Democratic get down on Trump movement that shows your stupidity....
This is no time for your bullshit to start again lives are at stake here caused by a virus not Trump or his hopeful suggestions .....
This woman is an idiot. How in the world did she ever get through grade school! She must have gotten her degree out of a Cracker Jack Box. Stupid is stupid and how can anyone get more stupid that this woman. Madam, you need to get out of any political position asap! Its people like you who are destroying our country!
Another proof positive reason women aren't in the Gov more than they anymore than they are. She gets hysterical over a slop jar theory of her own and then demand they be taken seriously as the real thing. Their demanding, Look at goofball Pelosi as a prime example she to is a wild eyed hooch with power and goes bezerk in a heartbeat time in and again over a wet dream of her own. This one is another Pelosi younger but no less just as goofy. Sad as women were they able to control their feelings into reality they would be taken more seriously. Send her along with Pelosi and stagnate waters to the showers and lets get the r…
Of course SHE is a DevilsRat what else?