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Dem Rep Who Now Supports Trump Completely Destroys MSNBC Host Live on Air

During a segment Wednesday on MSNBC, host Craig Melvin asked Georgia Democratic state Rep. Vernon Jones, an African-American supporter of President Donald Trump, if he was a “paid campaign surrogate.”

In his response, Jones took Melvin to task for asking such a condescending question.

“Are you a paid campaign surrogate? Are you being compensated?” Melvin said.

“Let me be clear. You get paid to shape a liberal narrative. You get paid to attack this president,” Jones replied.

“I don’t get a dime for this president,” Jones said. “I don’t get a dime from the campaign. Everything I’ve done has been me and based on my principles.”

While Melvin was satisfied with Jones’ response, the Georgia Democrat was not quite finished yet.

Jones attempted to hold Melvin and the liberal media as a whole accountable for their patronizing treatment of black conservatives: “That’s the problem. When an African-American …”

At that point, Melvin cut Jones off, saying: “Sir, I did not raise your race. … You’re not going to imply that I asked that question because you’re black.”

“Don’t ask me that. You only ask me that because I don’t fit your narrative,” Jones responded. “I don’t want anything from this president. It’s what I can do for my country and you need to accept that many other African-Americans and others support this president because of his policies. And to insult me, to say, ‘am I getting paid?’ That’s disgraceful.”

Melvin attempted to defend himself, telling Jones that he had “asked the same question of Democrats who’ve come on.”

His attempt to play defense did not stop Jones from continuing to pile on MSNBC’s “narrative to keep blacks silent who happen to support this president.

“Why can’t I be like white liberals or other whites?” Jones asked. “Nobody questions [if] they’re getting paid.”

Melvin might not want to admit this out loud, but the liberal media — and liberals in general — probably agreed in spirit with their chosen presidential candidate, former Vice President Joe Biden, when he proclaimed: “If you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.”

Sadly, the question from Melvin should not have come as a surprise to Jones. For years, African-American conservatives have received especially harsh treatment from liberals and their allies in the establishment media and popular culture.

As conservative talk radio show host Larry Elder has explained to The Western Journal, African-American conservatives are “derided as sell-outs and Uncle Toms.” Unfortunately, black conservatives have been the subject of much harsher language than that over the years.

Just last month, rapper Snoop Dogg shared an image on social media featuring the pictures of 11 African-American conservatives accompanied by the phrase, “The Coon Bunch.” The picture was designed to parody the opening of the classic sitcom “The Brady Bunch.”

Nine years ago, conservative commentator Ann Coulter wrote a column detailing the horrendous treatment African-American conservatives have received from the left. She specifically mentioned a series of cartoons portraying former Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as “Aunt Jemima, Butterfly McQueen from ‘Gone With the Wind,’ a fat-lipped Bush parrot and other racist cliches.”

If conservatives had tried using similar tactics against liberals of minority descent, the same people who put out the aforementioned cartoons would start crying racism.

The fact that those who opposed Rice and former President George W. Bush would engage in such tactics in the first place definitely calls into question their sincerity about stopping racism.

Long after Bush and Rice left office, liberals continue to traffic in racism against black conservatives or, at the very least, African-Americans who dared to express some level of support for Trump.

This way of thinking likely explains CNN host Don Lemon’s characterization of rapper Kanye West’s appearance at the White House in 2018 as a “minstrel show.”

Liberals believe that all people of a certain race, gender or sexual orientation are supposed to act and think a certain way. For example, liberal lawyer Dottie Gibbons-White automatically assumed a lawyer making the case that a woman who falsely complained to the police that an African-American man was threatening her life should not face charges was white.

As it turns out, the lawyer in question, Josie Duffy Rice, is black. Even after she found that Duffy Rice was black, Gibbons-White declared that Duffy Rice’s argument “sure sounds White.”

It has become perfectly clear that liberals are beholden to identity politics and groupthink. Conservatives, on the other hand, can build a big tent by holding themselves up as representative of a movement that respects the time-honored tradition of individualism.

Author: Ryan Foley


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