Joe Biden Thursday night mocked Americans who argue Covid vaccine mandates infringe on their personal freedoms.
Biden also implied unvaccinated Americans are murderers who “kill people with their Covid.”
This type of rhetoric is dangerous and should be condemned.
The CDC announced vaccinated people can still spread Covid.
Joe Biden is putting a target on the backs of unvaccinated Americans.
“Two things that concern me: One are those who just try to make this a political issue. ‘Freedom. I have the freedom to kill you with my Covid,” said Biden.
“NO! I mean, come on! Freedom!” he added.
Author: Cristina Laila
Source: The Gateway Pundit: Joe Biden Dismisses ‘Freedom’ on Vax Mandates, Implies Unvaccinated Americans Are Murderers (VIDEO)
How quickly you have forgotten the lives you took in Afghanistan you Moron. You are the murder & yes I think you are trying to kill us with the vaccines. AND, I cherish my freedom, my flag, the military, police, fire & any & all health care workers. There is plenty of room in hell waiting for you & all of the other evil ones in your administration!! BTW, you are NOT my President!!!!!!!