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Schumer Slips Up, Reveals First Move Dems Will Order if Biden Wins

Senate Minority Leader Chuch Schumer -- whether intentionally or not -- has just given away the Democrats playbook.

During his brief speech at the Democrats' virtual convention on Tuesday night, the New York Democrat promised a massive amnesty for illegal migrants if Joe Biden wins the White House in November.

But Schumer presented his political, regional, and elitist power grab as a noble and generous gesture towards millions of foreigners seeking a place in this Nation of Americans.

Schumer said:

Behind me is a site I see out of my window every night: The Statue of Liberty, the same site that greeted hopeful immigrants, like my grandparents, a symbol of freedom, and a beacon of hope to the world. Today, Donald Trump has divided our country, diminished our greatness, and demeaned everything that this statue represents. […] Let me tell you some of the things we’ll do with President [Joe] Biden and Vice President [Kamala] Harris in a [congressional] Democratic majority. […] We will reform our immigration system so that immigrants yearning to breathe free, will it at last become American citizens. Together, we can reignite the hope once felt by millions of men and women — huddled masses on creaking ships — who glimpse this mighty woman with her torch, knowing they could build a better life here in America. And out of this long national nightmare, America will finally awaken to a brighter future and a new day.


In his speech, Schumer said he can see the Statue of Liberty from his Senate office in New York City and that it is a symbol of immigration into the United States.

According to Breitbart News, that is a lie.

The Statue of Liberty was created to celebrate the Union’s victory in the Civil War. But it was later repurposed as a symbol of welcome for millions of migrants sought by business groups. In 1924, America’s voters largely shut down immigration, setting the stage for massive growth in middle-class wealth that continued until about 1970. Since then, partly because of pro-migration laws in 1965 and 1990, middle-class wages have stagnated while elites scooped up a much larger share of the nation’s annual income and total wealth.

Schumer basically is saying Democrats want to grant mass amnesty, offer $15 per hour to more people, and provide taxpayer-funded healthcare to millions of illegal aliens.

How does he plan to do it?

Democrats would be forced to raise taxes across the board on American citizens.

It also seems more than clear to many that Schumer and the Democrats are pushing this in order to turn tens of millions of illegal aliens into Democratic voters.

That would ensure Democrats would run the country for decades to come and drive down wages for the blue-collar middle class.

Author: Martywalsh


Ralph Romesburg
Ralph Romesburg

Schumer forgot his grandparents came here ready to work Ang build a home these illegal Invaders came here for a free handout !! And it's the dumbucrat party that has cause all the division not Trump !! And finally if the dumbucrat cheating grows so bad as to seem to elect Biden war will break out as millions of angry voters will resend on DC to remove the pretenders from DC !!


Darwin Dwelle
Darwin Dwelle

If Joe gets in expect the first move will be to communism and the end of America you can count on that.


Don Hornish
Don Hornish

Schumer is a joke and so is Joe Biden! Then look at the picture above of President Trump and that lying idiot who doesn't know her face from her behind! I guess is her behind looks better, but then again maybe not! The Democratic Party has gone into la-la land with absolutely nothing by lies and nary a worthwhile program to present to the American people. They are a continued failure of the Ovomit Administration.


Hal Lemoyne
Hal Lemoyne

❤💥👍CHRISTrumPence and their US TRUMPlican Lawmakers US2020Reelected Landslide

Amen & Amen👍💥❤

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