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Watch: Cruel Biden Dismisses Afghans Falling Off of Planes, 'That Was 4 Days - 5 Days Ago'

President Joe Biden, a lifelong ineffectual leader who has shown callousness with an alarming frequency this year, brushed off on Wednesday the deaths of Afghans who fell from a departing airplane while trying to escape Taliban control over Kabul.

Biden had sat down with fraudulent journalist George Stephanopoulos for an interview when he let his mask slip again — and it wasn’t a COVID mask.

Biden was speaking with ABC News for his first interview since the Taliban takeover of Afghanistan when he revealed himself as a person lacking any empathy for those who died as a result of his decision to pull the military out of country with no apparent plan.

Biden claimed there was “no way” this country’s armed forces could have left following a 20-year war “without chaos ensuing.”

He then brushed off the deaths of people who clung to a jet plane to face certain peril, seemingly annoyed that several days had elapsed and he was still having to hear about it.

Stephanopoulos, who actually asked some pointed questions, despite being a fraud of a journalist, got Biden to show the entire world that he doesn’t care about human suffering.

“We’ve all seen the pictures. We’ve seen those hundreds of people packed in a C-17. We’ve seen Afghans falling,” the former Clinton White House communications director began, but was cut off by a particularly ornery Biden.

“That was four days ago — five days ago,” Biden said.

Actually, those images that shocked the world had surfaced only two days prior to Biden’s cold-hearted comments.

Those comments should elicit complete disgust from any person was still giving Biden the benefit of doubt. Anyone who felt Biden deserved a chance to further run this country into the ground (along with its allies) should be awake now.

The comment was hair-raising. Do you think when Biden grieved the death of his son Beau in 2015, someone told him immediately to get over it? No, as such a person would rightly have been identified as a sociopath.

But Biden wants people to get over the tragedies of his great betrayal because it’s getting in the way of his domestic agenda. That agenda thus far seems to be ruining lives, financially straining families and will soon include leaving long-term care facilities and nursing homes short-handed after he forces vaccine holdout workers in those places into unemployment because of regulations requiring full vaccination for all employees.

And Biden has made it clear that he doesn’t care how policies like coronavirus shutdowns or a southern border wide open to illegal immigration have affected everyday Americans.

The signs of Biden’s callous ways have been there for years — even when he was dealing with potential voters on the campaign trail. Just this week, since Biden botched the Afghan exit, stony-hearted comments he allegedly made in 2010 came to light.

As the U.K. Daily Mail noted Tuesday, Biden was quoted in a 2010 diary entry written by the late Richard Holbrooke, special representative for Afghanistan and Pakistan during former President Barack Obama’s first term, as saying the U.S. needed to get out of Afghanistan a decade ago, regardless of the consequences.

According to Holbrooke’s diary, Biden was asked about the need to protect Afghan civilians when he said: “F*** that, we don’t have to worry about that. We did it in Vietnam, Nixon and Kissinger got away with it.”

Biden was referring to the country’s chaotic exit from Saigon in 1975.

As bad as the fall of Saigon was, an American humiliation seared into the memory of the world, Biden’s Afghanistan disaster is making it look mild. Biden created a situation that left people so desperate they climbed on the outside of an airplane, only to fall to their deaths.

The worst part is he didn’t give a hoot. Biden is more than inept, chronically wrong and senile.

He’s more cruel than we could have ever imagined.

Author: Kipp Jones


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