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AOC Celebrates American Job Losses

Far-left congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez has managed to infuriate millions of Americans yet again.

In a tweet on Monday AOC was caught celebrating American oil job losses after hearing the news that oil futures plunged below zero as a result of the coronavirus pandemic.

AOC tweeted: “You absolutely love to see it. This along with record low interest rates means it’s the right time for a worker-led, mass investment in green infrastructure to save our planet. *cough*"

Her remarks came as she was promoting another tweet that said: “Oil prices now at ‘negative values,’ meaning oil producers have to pay people to take it off their hands and store it because when demand plunges (like now), that is less expensive for them than building more storage and/or shutting wells down.”

AOC cowardly deleted her tweet after backlash started pouring in over her "cheering" American job losses.

But she didn't offer up an apology. Instead she kept going, saying: “Now is the time to create millions of good jobs building out the infrastructure and clean energy necessary to save our planet for future generations. For our economy, our planet, and our future, we need a #GreenNewDeal.” Needless to say her disgusting remarks didn't go over well with the American people.

A reporter for the Daily Caller wrote: “My cousin’s husband was laid off from his oil field job in Western Texas even before today’s downturn. They have 3 kids. She has cancer for the second time in her life, prognosis unclear. So no, you don’t ‘absolutely love to see it.'”

Here's a small sample of other responses to the Democratic socialist congresswoman:

In other news, AOC's primary challenger just raised $1 million in her bid to topple Alexandria.

Here's to hoping AOC's days as a U.S. congresswoman will soon be coming to an end and she'll be back working as a bartender in New York.

1 Comment

William Flatt
William Flatt
Apr 22, 2020

That anti-American commie bitch needs to be physically removed from the USA!!

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