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AOC Is Furious Relief Checks Are 'Only' Going to People with Social Security Numbers

Another day, another tantrum from Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez.

This time the far-left Democratic darling is fuming that coronavirus relief checks are only going to people with social security numbers.

After the Senate passed the $2.2 trillion stimulus package, AOC took to Twitter and let loose on Republicans.

She apparently took issue with the idea that the checks Americans are getting will be “cut off the backs of *taxpaying immigrants,* who get nothing."

Take a look:

Naturally AOC riled up her delusional followers with the tweet.

But she got wrecked from those who aren't drinking her brand of Kool-Aid.

It was at this point AOC dropped a follow-up response slamming Trump and the GOP.

"What Trump + Senate GOP have done is hold hospitals, working people, and the vulnerable hostage so they could get in $500 billion (that will be leveraged into $4T) in corporate welfare. Without the Wall St giveaway, GOP refuses to fund hospitals & unemployment. It’s inhumane," Ocasio-Cortez tweeted.

But what she failed to realize, is that the Senate's vote on the bill was 96-0.

Last I checked there weren't 96 Republicans in the Senate?

That means every single Democrat in the Senate (including her champion Bernie) voted to advance the relief package as well.

Yet AOC has the audacity to blame everything on the Republicans.

Here's a little advice, Alexandria: Sit down, little girl, and let the grownups take care of this.

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