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Don Lemon Crosses Line, Insults Melania with Cheap Shot While Attacking POTUS

Disgraced CNN anchor Don Lemon ratcheted up his feud with Trump in quite a nasty way – by going after his wife Melania Trump.

Lemon took several cheap shots at Melania's looks and accomplishments during his show Sunday evening, leaving many Americans wondering why he had to stoop so low in his attack on Trump.

Some first ladies want the spotlight, but Melania is not one of them, and Lemon should respect that.

“What is it about President Obama that really gets under your skin?” Lemon mockingly said to Trump.

“Is it because he’s smarter than you?”

“Better educated? Made it on his own—didn’t need Daddy’s help?”

“Wife is more accomplished? Better looking?”

“I don’t know, what is it, what is it about him?”

“That he’s a black man that’s accomplished being president?”

“That he punked you on the whole birth certificate thing?”

“What is it about him? Just wondering.”

After watching that clip try to tell me that Lemon is even the least bit objective. He's not.

He's also incredibly disrespectful to our beautiful first lady.

Lemon's decision to stoop so low was met with sharp criticism, even from some of his own fans.

“Don Lemon, I like you, but you didn’t need to come for Melania. Not necessary,” posted legal analyst Stephanie Haney.

Lemon's rant against Trump and his wife were apparently in reaction to Trump re-tweeting a post that revealed Obama's White House was behind the entire scam investigation into Trump.

What are your thoughts on Don Lemon's cheap shots against Melania? Drop a comment below!


Chuck Rudolph
Chuck Rudolph
May 23, 2020

It is appropriate that Lemon is on CNN. This simple minded moron and his sophomoric comments are in perfect alignment with CNN FAKE NEWS / CONSTANT LIES and assorted other bits of bullshit.


May 04, 2020

Hey Mr. Lemon!!! Are you aware that "Michelle" is really not a woman? "Michelle" was born born Michael Robinson, a male, on January 17, 1964.

Did you know that "Barack Obama" is really Barry Soetoro and changed his name due to a criminal background that would have destroyed his chances of ever aspiring to be President of the United States.

Stop to realize at this point that "Barack" and "Michelle" both being males could not conceive children. This makes it impossible for Malia and Sasha to be the "Obama's" biological children.

This makes the whole "Obama family" a total fraud. "Barack" and "Michelle" are homosexual lovers. "Barack" is America's first homosexual president. "Michelle" is America's first m…


Michael Colley
Michael Colley
May 04, 2020

Don lemon is a punk ass pos racist little bitch. He is the one suffering tds. The network he works for deserves what they get with this snowflake hate monger.


May 04, 2020

Lemon you racist, Ignorant Piece of Shit you couldn't make a pimple on a real journalist's Ass, Just like the rest of the POS. at CNN!


John S Kosich
John S Kosich
May 04, 2020

Lemon is definitely a low life. How did he ever get on tv? If he is gay, I understand...

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