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Ilhan Omar Gets Absolutely Crushed After Trashing Ivanka's Family

Ivanka Trump shared a heartwarming photo of her spending time with her kids as the nation has been encouraged to stay home.

She was playing with her children in a homemade tent. The photo was adorable.

But not for terrorist-sympathizer Ilhan Omar, who apparently took serious issue with it.

Omar responded to Ivanka's photo by accusing the Trump administration of "separating families from their children" at the border.

Well as you could imagine that didn't go over very well with many Americans, including conservative superstar Candace Owens.

Candace Owens nearly broke the internet with her legendary response to Rep. Omar:

"Thinking of all the families separated, by you sleeping with their husbands, and using your campaign funds to do it." Dang, that's gonna leave a mark!

My hats off to one of the most savage tweets in the history of Twitter.

In case you missed it, here is the original tweet from Ivanka that sent Rep. Omar over the edge:

How anybody could take issue with this tweet I have no idea.

And then here is Omar's sickening response:

All I want to know is why does Omar have to be so hateful? Ivanka was simply sharing a light-hearted family suggestion, and Omar had to be so spiteful and mean. No true leader would do such a thing.

Here's to hoping Omar is out of office soon.


Connie Eggen
Connie Eggen
Mar 21, 2020

I hope Ilhan was literally tromped on. Who does she think she is that she would have the right to trash someone who has done not one thing to her. She deserves to be drummed out of office and it cannot happen soon enough!


Mar 21, 2020

Omar since there are so many things that your communist ass doesn't like here in the United States, why don't you take your socialist ass out of our, yea that's right, OUR COUNTRY!!!!!!


Mar 21, 2020

Totally and utterly ignorant and hateful woman .. Elections will put her in her place ... Ivanka is the type to let it roll off her back and Omar can ask whatever husband she is with where she can buy a bed sheet to make a tent ... Stay Safe all from a U.K. citizen

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