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Rush Limbaugh Issues Grave Warning: Dems Will Try to Keep Economy Shut Down So Trump Loses Election

During his show this week, conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh issued a grave warning to Americans.

Rush warned that Democratic lawmakers will try to keep the economy shut down so that President Donald Trump loses the 2020 election.

"I’ll tell you something else that’s starting to send red flags up. You probably have already noticed this," Limbaugh started. "All these blue state governors that want to keep their states locked down, it’s purely political. But what are they depending on? They’re depending on the red states — the red states that are opening up!"

"The red states are gonna get the economy kickstarted. The red states are gonna create capital and money to transfer to pay these people their stupid welfare costs (and whatever else they’re using to bleed this country dry), while their population sits home, doesn’t work, waits for the federal check to show up — and they sit around and they trash the supposedly reckless red states," he continued. "I cannot tell you how this irritates me. The red-state governors — like Kemp in Georgia and any number of these people — are doing the right thing. They’re trying to get their people back to work, for all the right common-sensical human and humane reasons — to protect lives — to protect livelihoods, the United States economy, the state economy. And then you go to a blue state, and it’s the exact opposite."

Rush continued: "They shut down and lock down, and they want to remain locked down until July or August or whatever — and nothing’s gonna open and nothing is gonna happen. And they fully expect the red states to sit there and essentially pay for it. Folks, I’m gonna tell you, these next four months are gonna be a veritable war like we have not seen. The American left and the Democrat Party is going to do its best to keep this economy shut down, to extend and expand that shutdown — and blow up their own country’s jobs — just to ensure that Trump loses."

Rush then laid out a hypothetical example of how it all could unfold.

"But here’s the thing about that. Let’s do a little hypothetical. Let’s say this continues as it is, and let’s say that more and more red states open up and the economy in these states starts to return and revive," Limbaugh said. "The blue states stay locked down. These are populous places — New York, Massachusetts, California. So they stay locked down all for the express purpose of canceling out the increase created by the red states. The economic activity that will happen from the red states going back to work, the blue state governors are gonna try to cancel it out by keeping their people at home. They’re gonna wreck the economy. Their objective is to wreck the economy and get rid of Trump."

Do you think Rush is right that Democrats are trying to keep the economy shutdown to stop Trump from getting re-elected? Drop us a comment below!

4 comentarios

15 may 2020

President Trump must be re-elected so that he can see to it that the country is saved from the liberal socialists. He needs to keep going after Obama and his “folks”, and expose the most corrupt administration this country has ever seen. All of them are complicit in trying to influence the last election and will stop at nothing to win. Nothing! They have tried to destroy him, and his family. Something for people to watch online is “Out of the Shadows”. The American people need to open their eyes to what is going on in their country-how they are being manipulated by the TRAITOR S of this country. President Trump is doing a wonderful job-before this “pandemic“ our country…

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15 may 2020

I would go even further to say the Dems might have collaborated with the Chinese to puposefully start this entire health crisis.

I know I'm out on a limb here, but think about it. The Dems have watched for a while now as their once staunch, unwavering black bases rate of departure from the Democrat party has steadily increased. If they lose the black vote their party is doomed to never be elected nationally again.

Then take the Chinese who had their people protesting in the streets, and Trump blowing up their golden trade deals....not hearing much about the protesting anymore are you? Wonder what f they took the opportunity to covertly kill them and say they had the virus…

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ML Shaver
ML Shaver
15 may 2020

I think this is the democraps last chance to win back both houses and the Executive office. Just look at what they have done over the last three and a half years. I don't put it past them to have created this corona virus pandemic with help from the CDC, the FDA, the WHO, Fauci, Soros, Obummer, the never Trumpers, the media, Communist China, Bill Gates, the Clinton foundation and all the rest of communists [hidden] in our country. I believe that they are quite capable of this massive corruption and blatant terrorism agenda to usher in a new Global World Order [government, money and religion]. We are at war!!! Trump is our commander and chief. We must fight an…

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Robert Beleskie
Robert Beleskie
15 may 2020

I believe if TRUMP doesnt get re elected our country is gonna go down the tubes thats just what democrats want so they will control of the people&probably marshall law will follow there will only be the rich&poor people it will turn into a communist state lets fight for our lives everyone before its to late

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