Sen. Ted Cruz slammed media mogul Oprah Winfrey over her recent comments that “whiteness” gives people an advantage “no matter” what.
“Billionaire Oprah lectures the rest of us: ‘You still have your whiteness. That's what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter,’" the Texas Republican tweeted Wednesday. “What utter, racist BS.”
Cruz was referring to an episode of Winfrey’s internet show in which she was joined by former NFL player Emmanuel Acho and others to discuss race relations in the United States.
“There are white people who are not as powerful as the system of white people — the caste system that’s been put in place — but they still, no matter where they are on the rung or the ladder of success, they still have their whiteness,” Winfrey said. “Whites have a leg up. You still have your whiteness. That’s what the term 'white privilege' is. It means that whiteness still gives you an advantage, no matter.”
Acho agreed with Winfrey and said that the U.S. is “run by whites” and explained that he has warned his white friends about raising their children to live a “white” life.
Winfrey was criticized, primarily by conservatives, for her comments, with many pointing out that she is one of the richest women in the world.
“Oprah is so woke,” Human Events editor Ian Miles Cheong tweeted, along with a picture of Winfrey and disgraced movie producer Harvey Weinstein. “One of the richest people in the world with more privilege than anyone else claims that she’s less privileged than you because you’re white.”
“Oprah has a net worth of 2.6 Billion,” conservative activist and Parkland shooting survivor Kyle Kashuv wrote.
“So @Oprah says all white people are subconsciously racist?” tweeted Sebastian Gorka, a member of the National Security Education Board. “Guess she doesn’t understand that statement makes her the bigot.”
Author: Andrew Mark Miller
Source: Washington Examiner: 'Utter racist BS': Cruz slams Oprah for saying that 'whiteness' gives people an advantage 'no matter' what
So this lady who is working on her 3rd BILLION!!! thinks black people are at a disadvantage!!!!
That is incredulous.....she does realize she is black and made it doesn't she?!? What she should be doing is using her success as an example to black people that if you make the right choices anyone can make it. How is it that every other minority in this country make it on their own, but the only minority that has bought into the Democrats Nanny BS are black folks....they just sit on the sidelines and wait on Democrats to give them crumbs of what they actually promise them.
You. Ms oprah are the biggest racists going, where do you think you'd be without your "WHITE" audience, your a millionaire because of the white people, so stop calling the kettle black, look at yourself. you two faced. bitch, how quickly you change your manner of speaking when your with different ethmic groups, when your with "whites" you speak properly, when your arou d "black's) your total way of speaking changes, you act like your in the ghetto....pick racists
The more a person says only because a person is white means they are racist should look in the mirror
The more you generalize people the more you are how you are blaming them for