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Trump Utterly Humiliates CNN Reporter Who Misrepresents His Comments at Presser

President Trump eviscerated a CNN reporter during a Sunday press conference after the reporter tried hitting him with a 'gotcha' question about a remark he made last week. Of course the reporter left out the full context of Trump's remark, which completely changes how it's interpreted.

“I would also like to ask you about some comments you made on Friday,” the CNN reporter said. “You were talking about governors of different states and you said I want them to be appreciative. You also said if they don’t treat you right, I don’t call.”

Trump quickly hit back with: “I didn’t say that. Excuse me, ready? Take a look at what I said. I want them to be appreciative of me, okay, and then you cut it off because it is fake news [reporter interrupts] please, let me just finish. … Your statement and your response in your answer is a lie because here’s the story, are you ready? I said I want you to be appreciative of me, and then you go on — and then I go on, you cut it off.”

At this point Trump got the reporter to read off what he actually said: “I want them to be appreciative. I don’t want them to say things that aren’t true. I want them to be appreciative. We’ve done a great job. And I’m not talking about me. I’m talking about Mike Pence, the task force, I’m talking about FEMA, the Army Corps of Engineers.”

Realizing he now looked like a fool, the reporter tried cherry picking another comment Trump said last week to attack the president. He brought up the remark Trump made in a joking manner about not personally calling two anti-Trump Democratic governors, but that Pence just calls them and of course still works with them.

Trump then dropped the mic on him, via the Daily Wire:

“You are not appreciating these incredible people, from private enterprise that are delivering things in numbers that nobody’s ever seen,” Trump told the reporter. “That’s why people aren’t watching CNN very much anymore. That’s why they don’t like it. That’s why your ratings are no good because you even after knowing the truth for days now, you bring up the old lie. Read the rest of your question, the rest of your statement, you didn’t put in. You have to put that in. And it said in there FEMA. It said in there Army Corps of Engineers because when they disrespect me, they’re disrespecting our government. And you know what? I don’t mind if I’m disrespected, but they can’t disrespect the Army Corps of Engineers and FEMA.”


The CNN reporter continued to humiliate himself after Trump tried calling on a different reporter, and kept shouting.

Just watch the entire exchange for yourself if you have a minute, it's pretty awesome:

Like so many of us, Trump has grown sick and tried of the leftist media constantly jousting him and trying to use the coronavirus as a weapon against him.

Maybe next time this reporter will think twice about trying to twist Trump's words and spread fake news.


Cookie Carletti
Cookie Carletti
Mar 31, 2020

It was none other then the wimp A$$, lying POS JIM ACOSTA. what else can you expect from the sewer rats that work at CNN


Marcel Gauthier
Marcel Gauthier
Mar 31, 2020



Sherwood Maxwell
Sherwood Maxwell
Mar 30, 2020

Go Mr President you really put him and cnn it place

Thank you

Sherwood Maxwell


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