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WATCH: New Footage Shows Uvalde Cops Running Away as Salvador Ramos Shoots Children Dead

New footage released on Tuesday shows Uvalde police officers running down the hallway at Robb Elementary School as gunman Salvador Ramos shot children dead in two classrooms.

In late May 18-year-old Salvador Ramos fatally shot 19 children and 2 adults at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas.

According to multiple reports, the shooter, Salvador Ramos, spent more than 40 minutes inside as loved ones and onlookers begged the police to charge into the building.

Police arrived at 11:37 am, just 4 minutes after the gunman entered the school doors, but Ramos continued on with his killing spree virtually uninterrupted.

The new footage, first obtained by the Austin-American Statesman, shows cops running down the hall after they heard gunfire.

Here is a truncated, 4-minute version:

The Austin-American Statesman reported:

The gunman walks into Robb Elementary School unimpeded, moments after spraying bullets from his semi-automatic rifle outside the building and after desperate calls to 911 from inside and outside the Uvalde school. He slows down to peek around a corner in the hallway and flips back his hair before proceeding toward classrooms 111 and 112. Seconds later, a boy with neatly combed hair and glasses exits the bathroom to head back to his class. As he begins to turn the corner, he notices the gunman standing by the classroom door and then firing his first barrage. The boy turns and runs back into the bathroom. The gunman enters one of the classrooms. Children scream. The gunfire continues, stops, then starts again. Stops, then starts again. And again. And again It is almost three minutes before three officers arrive in the same hallway and rush toward the classrooms, crouching down. Then, a burst of gunfire. One officer grabs the back of his head. They quickly retreat to the end of the hallway, just below a school surveillance camera.

Here is the full 77-minute clip (warning disturbing content):

A Uvalde police officer had a clear shot to take out Salvador Ramos before he entered Robb Elementary School and fatally shot 19 children and 2 adults in late May.

A recent report by the Austin American-Statesman shows Uvalde police were in the hallway of Robb Elementary School with rifles and at least one ballistic shield within ten minutes of the start of the mass shooting by Salvador Ramos.

The Uvalde police officer asked a supervisor for permission to shoot Ramos before he entered the school, but the officer didn’t hear back from the supervisor in time.

“A rifle-armed Uvalde officer sighted in to shoot the Robb Elementary attacker before he entered the school but instead waited for supervisor permission — one of many new revelations in a report obtained today by national experts about the May 24 police response.” Statesman investigative reporter Tony Plohetski reported.

Click here to read the Austin-American Statesman’s analysis and breakdown of the 77-minute video.


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