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Biden Creeps On Two Girls at Ice Cream Parlor — Father's Response Is Perfect

Joe Biden visited Pearl Ice Cream Parlor in La Crosse, Wisconsin after he delivered remarks on his infrastructure bill.

Biden creeped on the ice cream parlor owner’s daughters after he was introduced to them.

This was after Biden flirted with young girls sitting outside of the ice cream shop.

Creepy Joe just can’t help himself when he is around young women and little girls.

“You have guard dogs, I assume,” Biden said after being introduced to the owner’s daughters.

“No, they’re both actually engaged,” the father said to Biden after he made a creepy remark.

Joe Biden ordered a cookies & cream and strawberry ice cream in a double dipped cone…WTH??

At one point a sycophantic reporter asked Biden: “You’re not getting any rocky road for infrastructure?”


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