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Franklin Graham Declares Support for Trump on 'Rigged or Stolen' Election

The Rev. Franklin Graham says he’s inclined to believe Donald Trump when the president says November’s election was “rigged,” given Trump’s track record of being right in showdowns with Democrats and the establishment media.

In a Facebook post Saturday, the preacher pointed to the fake Russia collusion narrative, the FBI campaign spying scandal and the impeachment of the president over a phone call with the Ukraine president as prime cases in point.

In each instance, time proved what Trump told the American people was true: There was no Russia collusion, the FBI did spy on his campaign, and there was no “quid pro quo” with Ukraine, given no investigation was ever opened on Joe or Hunter Biden over alleged shady business dealings.

“The President has been maligned, falsely accused, and attacked on every front since before the election in 2016. When President Trump says that this election has been rigged or stolen, I tend to believe him. He has a track record of being right,” Graham wrote.

“Pray for President Trump, pray for Joe Biden, and pray for our nation — that we will get through this, and for God’s will be done.”

It is really not much of an intellectual leap to believe the party that brought us the Russia hoax (undergirded by the DNC/Clinton campaign-funded Steele dossier) and an election-year impeachment on dubious grounds would be willing to cheat in swing states to remove Trump from office.


The evidence the Trump campaign has presented to state legislators in Michigan, Pennsylvania and Georgia is particularly compelling.

In Michigan, 70 percent of Detroit’s 134 precincts did not balance — meaning the number of votes tabulated did not match the number of voters signed in at the precinct. That prompted two Republicans on the Wayne County Board of Canvassers to refuse to certify the election.

“Why do the pollbooks, Qualified Voter Files, and final tallies not match or balance?” board member William Hartmann asked.

At a news conference last month, Trump campaign attorney Rudy Giuliani offered some possible explanations for the discrepancies.

He noted that three witnesses provided the campaign with affidavits, under penalty of perjury, that a truck pulled up to the Detroit center where they were counting ballots at 4:30 in the morning the day after the election.

It contained “thousands and thousands of ballots and the ballots were in garbage cans, they were in paper bags, they were in cardboard boxes and they were taken into the center,” Giuliani said.

“They were put on a number of tables. At that time, they thought all the Republican inspectors had left — all but two had,” he said.

The former New York mayor said the affiants all attested that the ballots they could see were only for Biden, with no down-ticket votes.

They estimated the total ballots brought in to be between 60,000 and 100,000, and many of them were triple counted, Giuliani said.

In Pennsylvania, there was a whistleblower account of between 144,000 and 288,000 completed mail-in ballots being trucked in from New York to Pennsylvania.

And in Delaware County, outside of Philadelphia, Gregory Stenstrom, a former commanding officer in the Navy, testified at a hearing for state legislators in Gettysburg last month that 47 USB cards used in November’s election have gone missing, placing up to 120,000 votes in question, Fox News reported.

Meanwhile, video from a Fulton County, Georgia, counting site surfaced earlier this month allegedly showing boxes of ballots being counted after election officials told observers to go home because the counting for the night was done.

“This is what my co-counsel Rudy Giuliani described as ‘the smoking gun,’” Trump campaign senior legal adviser Jenna Ellis told Fox Business Network’s Maria Bartiromo.

“This verified the testimony that we already had from other poll watchers and other people who were there who said that they had to leave and described all these irregular activities and the violations against the law.”

The president’s son, Eric Trump, tweeted an image appearing to show the spike in votes for Biden in Fulton County after the monitors were told to go home.

Then there are the many anomalies that marked the November election, including Biden receiving a record 81 million votes but having no coattails to speak of, while Trump helped Republicans flip 13 seats in the House of Representatives.

The GOP, in fact, is in a position to win all 27 races that were deemed toss-ups before the election.

All of this raises doubts about whether the November election was decided fair and square.

Polling has consistently shown Republicans, as well as a significant number of independents and Democrats, do not trust the results.

An NPR/PBS NewsHour/Marist survey taken earlier this month found 72 percent of Republicans and 28 percent of independents did not think the election results were accurate.

Count me in the camp that believes, like Trump and Graham, the election was rigged. The only question is whether it can be proved to the people who can right the wrong in time.

Author: Randy DeSoto


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