By Mike Miller
And so it continues. To pick up speed, that is. The Age of Biden is upon us, America, and when it comes to women’s rights, Biden and the Democrat Party have made it crystal clear, ladies: You ran a great race but unfortunately, you came in second.
Biden and the “Party of Women’s Rights” enthusiastically support biological males kicking the hell out of biological females in women’s sports. In effect, it’s a perfect “Animal Farm” parallel: “All females are equal. But some ‘females’ are more equal than others.”
The fact remains, women of American, your rights as a biological female have been usurped — with the blessing of Biden and the Democrats. Your former number-one place in line has been handed by so-called “progressives” to biological males.
Now, as reported by the Springfield News-Leader, a federal judge rejected a Christian college’s request to bypass “devout Catholic” Biden’s executive order “Preventing and Combating Discrimination on the Basis of Gender Identity or Sexual Orientation” — which also forces religious schools to open their dormitories — including shared bedrooms and shower spaces — to members of the opposite sex.
Judge Roseann Ketchmark issued the ruling denying a temporary restraining order and a preliminary injunction sought by College of the Ozarks’ in an effort to sidestep Biden’s directive that bans discrimination based on so-called “sexual orientation and gender identity.”
Here’s a bit of background:
The judge said an effort by the conservative Christian college to stop the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development from applying the new directive would not protect the college from any liability related to unfair housing allegations. In mid-April, the college sued Biden, HUD and related federal officials with support from the Alliance Defending Freedom. The college requested a jury trial. The college and ADF argued the directive forced religious schools to violate their views by opening male or female residence halls — including dorm rooms and restrooms — to members of the opposite sex.
Correct. Of course, Biden’s directive forced religious institutions to violate not only their views but a core tenet of their faith, as well. Does this remind anyone of anything?
Remember when a 2015 Supreme Court ruling made same-sex marriage the law of the land? Remember also how same-sex couples promptly rushed to Christian churches and demanded to be married?
In contrast, remember how same-sex couples did not rush to Muslim mosques or Buddhist temples and demand to be married in either of those “houses of worship,” as well?
Save that thought; we’ll bet back to it in a minute.
Alliance Defending Freedom is representing College of the Ozarks in its legal fight. Senior counsel Julie Marie Blake said in a statement:
“The government cannot and should not force schools to open girls’ dorms to males based on its politically motivated and inappropriate redefinition of ‘sex.’ “Women shouldn’t be forced to share private spaces — including showers and dorm rooms — with males, and religious schools shouldn’t be punished simply because of their beliefs about marriage and biological sex. Government overreach by the Biden administration continues to victimize women, girls, and people of faith by gutting their legal protections, and it must be stopped.”
College of the Ozarks President Jerry Davis said in a statement that he and staff were “disappointed” with the ruling. but would fight on in appeal — “so that schools are not forced to open women’s dorm rooms to males and violate their religious belief,” adding:
“For more than 100 years, College of the Ozarks has provided a distinctly Christian education to students with financial need. We will not abandon our mission. The fight to protect our religious freedom has just begun.”
Now, let’s get back to my earlier point about churches and same-sex marriages.
As I suggested, I didn’t see a single report of a same-sex couple demanding to be married in a Muslim mosque, but there’s a larger issue at play in that reality:
Why did the left not rush to demand same-sex marriages in Muslim mosques, Buddhist temples, and other non-Christian “houses of worship” — in addition to Christian churches and Jewish temples — to marry same-sex couples? Why did they not try to force Muslim madrassas to accept biological males in bathrooms designated for biological females?
Chew on that for a while, as we wait for an honest answer. For the rest of our lives [sarc]. From the hypocritical Democrat Party.
Author: Mike Miller