By CollinRugg
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi had a psychotic meltdown over the weekend as she was negotiating on Coronavirus stimulus relief with Congress.
The Speaker completely lost self control when she had an all out meltdown while talking about President Donald Trump.
"I’m counting down the hours ‘til he’s gone," Pelosi said to her team according to POLITICO.
"I plan to pull him out of there by his hair, his little hands and his feet," the Speaker said.
The American people are clearly sick and tired with Pelosi. According to a recent POLITICO/Morning Consult poll, the majority of Americans do not think that Pelosi should remain as Speaker of the House.
Check out what Politico reported:
A new POLITICO/Morning Consult poll shows most Democrats think she should keep the gavel, but a majority of voters oppose Pelosi staying on as speaker. Only 31 percent of all voters think Pelosi should be elected as speaker when the new Congress begins, while 56 percent think she should not. But self-identified Democrats say the first woman House speaker should stay on by a 20-point margin, 53 percent to 33 percent. The election of the speaker is one of the first tasks for the House when it reconvenes on Jan. 3, but the shrunken Democratic majority — Republicans’ net gain in November currently stands at 10 seats and could swell to a dozen, depending on the disposition of two still-uncalled races — has threatened Pelosi’s position.
When Democrats assumed control of the House two years ago, 15 Democratic members defected from Pelosi, choosing another individual or voting “present” during the speakership vote. Of those, 10 are returning members of the Democratic caucus, and Pelosi will only be able to lose a handful of votes to clinch the speakership this time, depending on how many members show up. Still, no other Democratic member has stepped up to challenge Pelosi, and her team remains confident she will win a majority of the vote. In the poll, the vast majority of Republicans are opposed to Pelosi staying as speaker, 83 percent. Independents also lean strongly against her: Just 22 percent say she should remain speaker, while 59 percent say she should not. The numbers track closely with her overall image rating. Fewer than four-in-10 voters, 37 percent, have a favorable opinion of Pelosi, while 52 percent view her unfavorably. Among independent voters, 27 percent view Pelosi favorably, and 58 percent have an unfavorable opinion of her.
According to the poll, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell's ratings aren't much better.
"Over half of registered voters — 52 percent — hold unfavorable views of both Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi,” said co-founder and president at Morning Consult Kyle Dropp. “Each hopes to remain in charge of their respective chambers next year when leadership elections formally take place, but will have to contend with diminished majorities in the new Congress — at best — following the 2020 election.”
What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!
I can’t wait to see the House dump Pelosi as the Speaker. She is a miserable 80 year old senile old women. In fact, she is dangerous.
I'm waiting for your departure; it should be a national holiday.