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Pelosi’s Archbishop Threatens to Excommunicate Her, Other Prominent Dems From Church Over Abortion

Democratic Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is in danger of being excommunicated from the Catholic Church for her continuous support of the murder of unborn children.

Over the weekend, Archbishop Salvatore Cordileone, who just so happens to be the archbishop of Pelosi’s home diocese in San Francisco, California, wrote an essay in the Washington Post, announcing that excommunication is a potential action to take against self-proclaimed Catholic Democrat leaders who support abortion.

In his piece, Cordileone urged Catholic politicians to oppose abortion, saying that “[y]ou cannot be a good Catholic and support expanding a government-approved right to kill innocent human beings.”

“This summer, we provoked an uproar by discussing whether public officials who support abortion should receive the sacrament of the Eucharist,” Cordileone wrote. “We were accused of inappropriately injecting religion into politics, of butting in where we didn’t belong.”

“I see matters differently,” the archbishop added. “When considering what duties Catholic bishops have with respect to prominent laymen in public life who openly oppose church teachings on abortion, I look to this country’s last great human rights movement — still within my living memory — for inspiration on how we should respond.”

The archbishop then encouraged other church leaders to use the threat of excommunication to force politicians to make good decisions. He compared the abortion to racism during the Civil Rights movement.

“The example of New Orleans Archbishop Joseph Rummel, who courageously confronted the evils of racism, is one that I especially admire,” the archbishop said. “Rummel did not ‘stay in his lane.’ Unlike several other bishops throughout this country’s history, he did not prioritize keeping parishioners and the public happy above advancing racial justice. Instead, he began a long, patient campaign of moral suasion to change the opinions of pro-segregation White Catholics.”

The Daily Wire summarizes:

Rummel did not just wage a patient campaign, he pressed hard on individuals he knew who supported policies of segregation, “closed a church for refusing to accept a black priest,” desegregated New Orleans Catholic schools, and when confronted about his decision, “patiently sent letters urging a conversion of heart.” When that failed, he threatened excommunication. In three separate cases, he followed through. Two of those individuals, Cordileone noted, eventually repented.

Rummel, the archbishop noted, “recognized that prominent, high-profile public advocacy for racism was scandalous: It violated core Catholic teachings and basic principles of justice, and also led others to sin.”

Abortion, he said, is now “the most pressing human rights challenge of our time. Can we pastors speak softly when the blood of 60 million innocent American children cries out for justice?”

Cordileone suggested, in his piece, that those who support abortion head off scandal and refrain from participating in Holy Communion so as not to cause scandal — and so as not to spread scandal to priests and other faithful. The matter, he added, is the preservation of that person’s soul: “To publicly affirm the Catholic faith while at the same time publicly rejecting one of its most fundamental teachings is simply dishonest.”

If politicians continue to support abortion, Cordlieone said that Catholic leaders need to take action.

“If their participation in the evil of abortion is not addressed forthrightly by their pastors, this can lead Catholics (and others) to assume that the moral teaching of the Catholic Church on the inviolate sanctity of human life is not seriously held,” Cordileone finished. “The constant teaching of the Catholic Church from her very beginning, the repeated exhortations of every Pope in recent times up to and including Pope Francis, the frequent statements by the bishops of the United States, all make it clear what the teaching of the Catholic Church is in regard to abortion.”

What are your thoughts? Let us know in the comments below!

Author: Collin Rugg

1 Comment

Doug Haggard
Doug Haggard
Sep 14, 2021

Democrats care not a whit about honesty. They are addicted to the perks of power & won't be happy until they control everything American Citizens do. If they retain power, the mandates will enter into every life step. The first will be to ban Americans ability to own guns. Every Totalitarian Regime has this as the first step!

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