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WATCH: Biden to Americans on Mandatory Vaccines: “What’s the Big Deal?”

And so everybody talks about freedom and not to have a shot or have a test. Well guess what? How about patriotism? How about making sure that you’re vaccinated so that you do not spread the disease to anybody else. What about that? What’s the big deal?”

Those are the words of Joe Biden, a man who thinks he knows what it means to be patriotic. Newsflash, Joe: you can’t be patriotic and Democrat – it doesn’t work that way, not today.

Here’s Biden telling you to just shut up and get the jab already, you peasant!


From Fox News:

Five Republican governors have sent a letter to the Pentagon asking the Department of Defense to remove its coronavirus vaccine mandate on National Guard members. “We write to request you withdraw part of your and the Service Secretaries’ directives to National Guard members in their Title 32 duty status concerning the COVID-19 vaccine,” the letter states. “We acknowledge your right to establish readiness standards for the National Guard for activation into a Title 10 status. However, directives dictating whether training in a Title 32 status can occur, setting punishment requirements for refusing to be COVID-19 vaccinated, and requiring separation from each state National Guard if unvaccinated are beyond your constitutional and statutory authority.”

Biden is a bad man – and not in a good way.


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