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Senate Republicans Cave, Will NOT Question Obama Over Flynn, Despite Trump Request
By  Emily Zanotti Senate Republicans will investigate the Obama administration’s decision to target national security adviser Michael...
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Pelosi Crafts $750 Billion Aid Bill for State & Local Govs; Republicans Not Invited to Discussion
Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi is drafting a $750 billion coronavirus relief package to help states that have been poorly run, mostly by...

New Evidence Points to Shutdown of Wuhan Virology Lab in October — 2 Months Before Outbreak
Over the weekend Senator Tom Cotton went on Fox News and revealed some damning new evidence that further implicates China's cover-up of...

Trump Releases Devastating Ad, Exposes Biden's True Colors for All to See
The Trump campaign just released a scathing new ad that reveals who former Vice President Joe Biden really is. Every potential voter...

SCOTUS Smacks Down Absurd Immigration Ruling, Says Encouraging Illegals to Stay in US Is a Crime
By Jason Hopkins The Supreme Court unanimously upheld a federal statute that forbids encouraging illegal aliens to remain in the U.S....

Trump Orders Special Change to Border Wall — Illegals Won't Like it One Bit
By Jason Hopkins President Donald Trump still wants to paint the U.S.-Mexico border wall black to make the barrier look more menacing and...

Tucker Carlson Obliterates 'Sociopath' Adam Schiff In Brutal Segment, Calls for His Resignation
In a scathing segment on Friday Tucker Carlson called for "sociopath" Adam Schiff to resign following all the news that has come out...
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Watch: Biden Forgets What Century He's In, "In 1918"
2020 Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden forgot what century he was in, when he appeared at a virtual Human Rights Campaign event...

Biden Done For? 1996 Court Documents Emerge That Corroborate Tara Reade Claims
By Joseph A. Wulfsohn A newly emerged court document from 1996 shows Tara Reade's ex-husband was told about "sexual harassment" that took...

Trump Immediately Vetoes Democrat’s Latest Resolution Designed to Limit His Power
By Chris White President Donald Trump vetoed a bipartisan congressional resolution Wednesday that would have curbed his ability to direct...

DOJ Sides With Church After Far-Left Gov. Threatens Pastor With Fines, Jail Time
By Vandana Rambaran, David Spunt The Justice Department is siding with a Virginia church suing Gov. Ralph Northam after police threatened...
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FEC Committee Forms for a Michelle Obama Vice Presidency
Democrats are praying to get an Obama back in office. A new committee has just registered with the Federal Election Commission to draft...

Don Lemon Crosses Line, Insults Melania with Cheap Shot While Attacking POTUS
Disgraced CNN anchor Don Lemon ratcheted up his feud with Trump in quite a nasty way – by going after his wife Melania Trump. Lemon took...

Trump Campaign Posts ‘Special Video’ From Hillary To Biden Accuser
By Amanda Prestigiacomo On Tuesday, Trump War Room, a Trump campaign Twitter account, posted a video of twice-failed presidential...
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Leaked Dossier Reveals China's Massive COVID Lie & How They Killed Thousands with Attempted Cover-up
By Nick Givas, Samuel Chamberlain A research dossier compiled by the so-called "Five Eyes" intelligence alliance states that China...

Bombshell: New DOJ Docs Reveal Obama White House Was Running the Flynn Operation
Hidden inside the latest documents released by the Department of Justice was some damning information about Obama and his ties to the...
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Trump Goes Nuclear on FBI After Flynn Is Proven to Be 100% Innocent: 'They're Human Scum!'
Thank God for President Trump and that he's not afraid to fight back against the crooked Democrats!
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Biden Caught Dozing Off During Own Town Hall with Hillary (Video)
On Tuesday Joe Biden held a virtual town hall event with Hillary Clinton. The livestreamed event was meant to build Biden up by...

House Approves Establishing Panel to Probe Trump's Coronavirus Response
In a questionable power grab, Nancy Pelosi and the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives has voted to approve the creation of a...

North Korean State Media Releases "Proof" Kim Jong Un Is Still Alive — It's a Doozy
As reports continue to come in about Kim Jong Un being dead, North Korea made an effort on Monday to "prove" that he is alive and well....
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